Hi there. I’m comin’ at you, today, with some mane talk. In other words, I’ve got a little bit of information about hair nourishment food. You can watch me talk about it in this video. And the information is below, too.
I have a lot of friends and even strangers come up to me asking, “How did you grow your hair so long?” And they tell me they think it’s very beautiful which I certainly appreciate.
So, what I wanted to let you know is it’s all about Real Foods.
And I’m talking about delicious foods like avocados and salmon. They’re loaded with healthy and essential fatty acids. Red meat. You RED that right. Because red meat is loaded with B12 which helps all the cells in your body do what they need to do. So, if you’re low in B12, your hair’s probably not gonna do as well.
Next, some really tasty treats. Berries, nuts, and seeds. They’re rich in zinc.
Oh yeah, we can’t leave out eggs. Because they’re so important with all that biotin they pack inside.
Look for hair nourishment food in the Real Foods.
When you go to the grocery store, don’t go down those middle aisles and grab all those prepared and processed foods. And you know what I’m talkin’ about. Foods in boxes. Loaded with lots of strange things. Even in a health food store. You gotta read ingredients and be very careful.
Yeah, when you really wanna nourish your hair, it’s all about Real Foods. Head to your grocery store’s produce department. And look for the healthy greens. Because they’re loaded with flavonoids and antioxidants to protect your cells. That’s what you wanna eat.
But maybe the number one best thing for your hair is hydration. You gotta drink good, clean water. And that really nourishes your hair. You don’t want it drying out any more than you want your skin to dry out. Right?
And, a lot of times, I think people come up to me and ask me about my hair because of my age. Because I’m 62 and growing extra long hair. And the main thing that’s working for me is what I just shared with you. Real Foods and plenty of water.
Here’s a list of hair nourishment food and a little of what’s in them:
- Avocados – full of pantothenic acid (B5), Vitamin K, copper, folate, potassium, E, C, and more
- Eggs – Great source of biotin, Vitamins A, B12, and B2, phosphorous, and selenium
- Dark chocolate – rich in fiber, magnesium, flavonoids, and more
- Berries, Nuts, and Seeds – zinc and antioxidants
- Red meat (especially grass fed beef) – B12, zinc, niacin, selenium, and Omega 3’s (grass-fed)
- Salmon (and other oily fish) – Healthy fatty acids, potassium, selenium, and the antioxidant Astaxanthin
- And good healthy oils for hair include: Coconut oil, Castor oil, Argan oil, Jojoba oil, Olive Oil
Here’s to real foods,
Just so you knows I use affiliate links here on Elgielene.com, and I do receive a commission if you click on them and buy something. But it doesn’t cost you even one penny more, and it helps me share even more real foods tips with you.
* Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, naturopath, or any other kind of practitioner. So don’t construe my suggestions as any sort of diagnosis, prescription, or other professional opinion. I just know great information and great products when they work.